NuRal™ uses a special blend of some of the most powerful cognitive herbs and vitamins on the planet.
Super Ingredient #1:
First, we use two highly potent mind-supporting types of Sage.
Now, to be clear, they’re nothing like the Sage you cook with.
They’re a stronger, more concentrated version...
Which, when you pair them together – in just the right way - create a powerful synergistic effect...
… which is what scientists call it when two ingredients produce a result better than the sum of their parts.
And has a long history of optimizing memory in folk medicine.(1)
So it’s no surprise that when researchers took 90 seniors...(2)
Split them up into two groups...
One receiving this enhanced form of Sage, and the other getting a placebo (a fake pill).
The result?
Compared to the control, those who took Garden Sage Extract showed a marked boost in their brain power after just 29 days...
First up, short term memory increased by 311%...(3)
Which means that walking into a room and forgetting what they came in for became a thing of the past!
Secondly, the Garden Sage Extract group’s focus was 2-times stronger...(4)
Super Ingredient #2:
Next, we blend the Organic Garden Sage Extract with a concentrated Spanish Sage Oil. This Spanish Sage Oil cranks your mind into high-gear – so thoughts, ideas, and memories can flow up to 21x faster...(5)
But that’s not all.
When researchers in the same study DOUBLED the dose...
It increased thinking speed by 2,025% after just 1 hour!(7)
Super Ingredient #3:
Hindus consider it their most sacred herb for nourishing the mind.(8)
As one peer-reviewed study found, this nutrient...(9)
Improved memory recall by nearly 3x10 Increased focus by 202%.(11)
Plus, it TRIPLED “retrieval speed” compared to the control (meaning you think faster and clearer on your feet).(12)
The results were so astounding, researchers declared that this herb has powerful “cognition-enhancing properties in humans”.(13)
You're covered by a 100% money-back guarantee good for 60 days. That's two full months.
And this guarantee is "no questions asked." This means that if you decide to request a refund, you don't need to explain why. It doesn't even matter if you never get around to trying it. Your payment is simply returned to you.
3. Results from numeric working memory accuracy testPost dose change on day 1 = 0.35.Post dose change on day 29 = 1.44.The difference in the change over 29 days is 311.42%
4. Results from corsi blocks testPlacebo: -0.25Sage: 0.25
6. Speed of memory test – after 6 hours of taking sage oilPlacebo: 18.59 milliseconds faster compared to baselineTreatment: -138.7 milliseconds faster compared to baselineThat means the treatment group was 646.1% faster compared to placebo.
7. Speed of attention test – after 1 hours of taking sage oil25 ul group: 0.16 milliseconds faster compared to baseline50 ul group: 3.40 milliseconds faster compared to baselineThat means the 50 ul group was 2,025% faster compared to the 25 ul group.
10. Results from Sternberg memory test after supplementationBaseline: 4.68Day 30: 1.60That equates to a 192.5% increase in short-term memory performance
11. Results from interference task:Baseline: 4.05Day 30: 1.34That equates to a 202% increase in mental accuracy
12. Result from reaction time on stroop testPlacebo improved by 35.7 by day 30Treatment group improved by 110.7 by day 30That means the treatment group had a 210% (or 3x) increase in reaction speed compared to control.
15. “We here report that ACh induces Ca2+ influx via T-type Ca2+ channel by activation of Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII)”
16. _Extract_Ameliorates_Learning_and_Memory_Impairments_through_Synaptic_Protein_Neurogranin_Pro-and_Mature_BDNF_Signaling_and_HPA_Axis_in_Prenatally_Stressed_Rat_Ospring